Field of Dreams

Yankees will play the White Sox as the first big-league game in Iowa at a
ballpark to be constructed next to the movie location. Fox will broadcast the
game.                                                                                           -The Hollywood Reporter-

August 8, 2019

The professionals will soon be here Having had their dreams Come true. Pick any boy. We are familiar with abandoned Movie sets, rotten film secretly running No cinematic effect involved Watch the game manifest, crush Into vapor, then forever hide Among the stocks without maturity You are not alone, unrestrained on a mound Without a team, The segments of the sum will continue To whisper if you build it….

Wanda’s Tunnel

Chris Johnson seemed the same as the trees and the light poles and all the barking dogs in our neighborhood. What I mean to say is when a kid is always around riding his bike you don’t think about them too much. He was just a kid. We knew he was poor as hell because Daddy told me his dad couldn’t hold a job and his momma is a cracked-head. Sometimes Matt’s mom would give them their dinner and that meant Matt would go to bed hungry.