When I Am Elected

Libertarian VP Candidate Spike Cohen Rallies Wichita Supporters Amidst a Hostile Electoral System

Monday, Aug. 24 – Wichita, Kansas

It is another hot August day in Kansas; a good day to be inside. But a crowd gathers in the (sadly only proverbial) shadow of the Keeper of the Plains to welcome Spike Cohen, the vice-presidential candidate of the third largest political party in the United States of America. If elections were the Olympics, the Libertarian Party would proudly climb on the medals stand every four years with a bronze medal around its neck. But in American politics, third place is almost always a distant finish.

Olympic Dreams Deferred

Miraculously landing on one leg, gymnast Kerri Strug is carried off by coach Bela Karolyi. Soon after, she ends up on the medals stand. Michael Jordan, Magic Johnson and Larry Bird carry the Dream Team to a gold medal victory with the help of supporting cast that comprises the greatest basketball team in history. Rulon Gardner beats the unbeatable Russian wrestler Aleksandr Karelin for the gold. Moments like these should be happening in Japan right now.